Saturday, November 30, 2019

Respect Ncos Essay Example

Respect Ncos Essay Respecting NCO’s is important in in a garrison environment is important because it instills good order and discipline. Order and discipline are needed in all aspects of the Army. Without it, ultimately people could die or suffer grievous bodily injury. Order and discipline is what keeps your head down in a firefight. Order and discipline is what keeps you standing tall in 100 degree Georgia heat during a change of command ceremony that you don’t want to be at. Non-Commissioned officers are known as the backbone of the Army.They have the responsibility of leading soldiers and getting the job done while the Commissioned Officer creates the conditions to get the job done. In my opinion, NCO’s are leaders more so than the officers. Throughout my time in the military I have been able to be under the leadership of both good and bad NCO’s. The good NCO’s showed me the right way to do things. While in Afghanistan, one of the two team leaders really showed w hat it means to do the job. If I had difficulty carrying out a task he’d either show me how to do it properly, or a more efficient way of doing it.But he did it in such manner that I began to figure it out myself. I was able to quickly and effectively meld into that team after being moved there from my previous team leader. He would always place his soldiers’ needs before the needs of his own. When the unit we were supporting ordered us to carry out guard shifts, though we had orders that superseded that, he stepped up to the plate and took the brunt of it. He stood not only the tower shifts he was assigned, but took mine and the other soldier assigned to the teams place.On the other hand, my first team leader in Afghanistan was the complete opposite. To me, a Private First Class at the time, it seemed that his own needs were paramount to my own needs. For example, my personally owned vehicle had been the care of a soldier in a different company when I deployed. Due to unforeseen circumstances, the soldier had to relinquish control of my personally owned vehicle to our company commander back in garrison. Again, due to unforeseen circumstances, my vehicle was towed and brought to an impound lot. I was not notified by my unit at all. My parents ere notified through the lending company through which my vehicle was purchased that this had transpired. After I was able to contact the towing company and explaining my situation, I was told I had 5 days to reclaim my vehicle otherwise it would have been considered abandoned and would be put up for auction. I informed my team leader of this situation and he said he would see what he could do. Nothing was done. So on my own dime, I flew my mother down to Georgia, paid for her hotel room, and paid to get my car released. That totaled up to about $2,000; $2000 of my hard earned money gone because my leadership failed me.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

How to Develop High School Science Fair Projects 3 Key Tips

How to Develop High School Science Fair Projects 3 Key Tips SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Interested in science? Science fair is a great way to pursue your interest in science. It can help you figure out if you’re interested in a career in research. It’s also a good activity for your college application, especially if you win awards. I should know! I placed 3rd in my state science fair and won an award from NASA #sciencenerd #brushingdirtoffmyshoulders. What exactly is science fair? How do you compete and win? In this guide, I’ll explain exactly what you need to do to develop winning high school science fair projects and why you should consider participating in this challenging but fun extracurricular. What Is Science Fair? Science Fair is a competition at which students (in grades 6-12) present the results of a scientific experiment thatthey conducted. The experiment must fall into one of the following categories (this may vary slightly depending onthe state you live in): Animal Biology Animal Physiology Behavioral / Social Science Biochemistry / Molecular Biology Chemistry Earth/Space Sciences Ecology Engineering Applications Engineering Research Environmental Management Mathematics Computer Science Microbiology Pharmacology Physics Plant Biology Plant Physiology There are two levels of science fair competition, middle school (grades 6-8) and high school (grades 9-12). I’m going to focus on high school science fair competitions, but much of my advice holds true for middle school science fair competitions as well. Some high schools conduct an in-school science fairthenadvance their winners to the county or regional science fair.This varies by state. Some states have regional science fairs (where several counties are grouped into one competition) while other states have individual county science fairs. Some such as California have a mix of regional and county science fairs. The winners of the county or regional science fair then advance on to the state science fair. Each state hosts their own science fair and selects winners. Who Can Compete in High School Science Fair? Any high school student with a project idea that fits into one of the above categories can compete in science fairs!However, each high school is only allowed a specific number of entries into the regional or county science fair.This may vary slightly from region to region.The maximum number of entries per school into the RegionalScience Fair is usually around 13. Most high schools host a school-wide science fair to decide who they’ll send to the RegionalScience Fair.Small schools may just send all interested students (without hosting a school-wide science fair) if they have less than 13 projects to send. How Do You Sign Up for Science Fair? Talk to your guidance counselor about how to sign up to compete in science fair.Usually, one of the science teachers at your high school will be in charge of science fair for your school. Ask your guidance counselor who that person is, then check with that person to learn what you need to do to sign up.You’ll likely need to have a good idea of what your project will be when yousign up! You should sign up as soon as you can.If you’re a Freshman, sign up as soon as you start school.If you’re a Sophomore, Junior, or Senior, you also should sign up at the start of the school year, or sign up at the end of the previous school year to compete the following year. Deadlines will vary from school to school andregionto region.The important thing is to sign up as soon as you decide you want to compete in the science fair; depending on your project idea, you might need special approval before you can sign up or start your experiment. How to Develop High School Science Fair Projects When brainstorming science fair project ideas, I recommend starting with the science fair competition categories (see above).Are any of the areas of particular interest to you?Is there a burning question you had in one of your science classes that you’d like to try and answer? Was there a recent scientific discovery that you found interesting? What was interesting about it? Is there something else you’d like to test that’s related to that discovery? Is there a problem you have, or you see in the world? Do you have an idea of how to fix it?For example, I’d always been interested in how oil spills were cleaned up. I knew bacteria and fungi were sometimes used to clean up oil spills, and I wanted to know which was faster at cleaning up oil spills.That ultimately was the topic of my science fair project. If all of this is drawing a blank, I recommend reading some articles on Science Daily to see if you find anything interesting.Why is it interesting? Do you want to know something more? Once you have your basic project concept, read each of the three considerations below to make sure it's a top-notch idea. Consideration #1: Is it a Good Science Fair Project Idea? What makes a good science fair project idea? I'm defining "good" in this context as a project that will grab the attention of judges and give you a better chance of winning awards. A good science fair project idea will meet the following qualifications: Be unique. Try to come up with an original concept. How do you test the originality of your concept? Do a Google search for your potential idea. If you come up with 5 or more exact matches for your idea, consider picking a different one. If you come up with less than 5 matches,you might have a good project idea! Beapplicable in some way. Try to come up with aproject that will be useful to the world. For example, the results of my project (whether bacteria or fungi cleaned up oil faster) would help in the event of future oil spills. Someone could use the results of my experiment and clean up an oil spill more efficiently. Projects don't need to change the world, but it is helpful if the results of the experiment mean something. As another example, let's look at anaward-winning project from 2015.For this project, the student took chicken breasts and sutured them together in 3 different ways. The student then ran a test to see which of the 3 sutures held together longest under heavy weight. The results of this experiment apply tothe field of medicine. A surgeonmay choose to use the suture technique that held together the longest in lieu of the other suture techniques. What's an example of a non-applicable project? In my middle school science class, we conducted an experiment to see if ketchup or mustard would run down an incline faster. This experiment really had no application to the real world. Consideration #2: Is the Project Idea Feasible? After doing this preliminary round of brainstorming, start to think about feasibility.Can you realistically conduct this experiment with the resources you have at yourdisposal and in the given time frame (likely a month or two - depending on how early you start)? Next, create a basic schedule so you stay on track.I recommend that you conduct yourexperiment and finish it at least 2 weeks before the science fair.You need time to organize the data, write up the results, get the board made, etc. (I’ll discuss this more in-depth below.) For resources, do you have access to a lab through your high school? If you don’t, consider reaching out to local community college professors or to local scientists to see if someone would be willing to be your mentor for your science fair project and let you use their facilities.The mentor would be there to oversee your use of their facilities. It’s doubtful a lab would let you use their facilities without a supervisor. For example, for my project, I needed an incubator thatneither my school nor I had. Luckily, my uncle worked at the local community college and was able to get me access to a mentor and the incubator at the lab. Also, make sure that whatever project you choose you can complete withinyour given time frame.For example, don’t plan to measure how bird population size changes over 5 years after the introduction of a predator species.This is a terrible idea for 2 reasons.One, you don’t have 5 years to conduct an experiment to present at the science fair.Two, you definitely wouldn’t be allowed to introduce a predator into the wild. Some project ideas will require a much larger time commitment that others. Take this into consideration when picking your project.How much time do you have in your schedule to dedicate to science fair? Some projects might only take a single day or weekend.For example, if your experiment wasdetermining which acidic fruit could conduct the most electricity, you could do it in a day. All you would need to do is buy the fruit and buy an electrical conductivity meter. Stick the meter in the fruit and write down the results. Others require you to do something every day for several weeks or months.For example, if your experiment was determining whether fungi or bacteria is better at cleaning up an oil spill, you’ll need a lot more time and advanced planning. You’ll need to monitor your Petri dishes on a daily basis for several weeks to track the progress. Consideration #3: Does Your Project Follow Science Fair Rules? My next point is aboutfeasibility. What experiments are you allowed to do for science fair?Most states have rules regarding the types of science fair experiments students can conduct. Beyond having to fit your experiment into one of their categories (as I mentioned above), you have to obey certain rules about the use of animals, humans, animal tissue, human tissue, hazardous materials, and/or microbes in your experiment.The use of these things isnot prohibited (I used microbes in my experiment). However, you need to get approval in certain cases. These rules will vary by state, so find your state’s and county’s science fair rules by searching Google for â€Å"[State Name] Science Fair Rules† or â€Å"[County Name] County Science Fair Rules.† If one of the potential experiment ideas that you brainstormed passes each of the considerations mentioned (i.e. you have the resources to complete the experiment in the time allowed without breaking any rules), then you should next try to nail down more specificcomponents of the experiment. How to Go From an Idea to Reality Once you've come up with a good science fair project idea that's feasible and doesn't break any rules, how do you take it from an idea to reality? Start by trying to phrase the idea as a question.All experiments should answer a question. What is the question you're trying to answer? For my experiment (on bacteria and fungi cleaning up oil spills), my question was "do bacteria or fungi clean up oil spills faster?" Once you have your question, try to figure out what your independent variable, dependent variable, and controlshould be for your experiment. The independent variable is what you change in the experiment, and the dependent variable is what changes as a result of the change you made. For my experiment, the independent variable is whether bacteria or fungi is used. The dependent variable is how much oil was cleaned up.The control is what you use as the standard of comparison for your other samples. It ensures the reliability of your test by showing nothing else was affecting the results. For example, in my experiment, the control was simply oil in a Petri dish with nothing else. If oil had dissipated from that control Petri dish, I would know there was something else affecting the cleanup of oil. After figuring out your variables, try to figure out how you will measure the results.This can often be the trickiest part of planning your experiment. For my experiment, I checked the Petri dishes once per week for 2 months. At each visit, I put the Petri dishes on a grid and countedthe number of grids that didn't have oil in them. This was not a perfect measurement, but I didn't have any better tools at my disposal. If you're having trouble coming up with the question, variables, or measurement for your project idea, consider talking to your science teacher(s). Theywill likely have advice on what question, variables, and measurements to use. These teachers have seen many years worth of science fair projects and will know if your project is feasible and can give you advice on how to best execute the project. You can alsoresearch similar projects online with a simple Google search. See how those experiments were conducted and if you could do something similar. Once you come up with your idea, you need to get it approved by your science fair coordinator before starting the experiment.Your science fair coordinator is likely one of the science teachers at your school. Ask your science teacher or your counselor who the science fair coordinator is.The coordinatorwill know if you need to submit paperwork before starting your project or if you can get started without further paperwork. How to Present Your Science Fair Project At the science fair, you'll be expected to have a board that presents the results of your experiment and a packet that is basically a printed version of your board. On the day of the science fair, you'll spend most of the time standing next to your board waiting for a judge to approach you. The judges are typically volunteers with a science background (former science teachers or scientists). You will present your entire experiment to the judges, and then they will typically ask you a few questions about your experiment (I'll discuss this more in-depth below). You'll likely go through this process more than once. At some science fairs, you present to each judge individually (most fairs have at least 3 judges per category). Also, some science fairs have additional judges from companies that give out supplemental awards. For example, at my state science fair, NASA sent their own judge that, separate from the state judges, heard presentations and asked questions. You might also be asked about your experiment by parents and fellow science fair competitors. What Should You Include on Your Science Fair Board? I've includedanexample of a science fairboard below to demonstrate how your board should look. The actual topic of this board is a little too juvenile for a high school science fair (it was probably presented at a middle school science fair), but the visual presentation of the board is the same as you'd expect atthe high school level. Flickr/Oddharmonic Before we dive into the content of the board, you should make sure the board is visually appealing. Make sure it isn't too cluttered. Make sure to include some pictures or graphics (I'll discuss this more below). Your board's appearance will be the first impression people have of your experiment, so make sure it's a good first impression. At the top of your board, you should have the title of the experiment. It can be something clever like the one in the picture (the experiment was trying to find out if shampoo helped carnations hold color dye better) or it can be more basic (i.e. Does Shampoo Help Carnations Hold Dye?). The front page of your presentation packet should be a cover page with your experiment name and your name. In the following section, Ilistwhat you should include inboth your board and in your packet. Examples (using the carnation experiment) are highlighted in blue: Problem (or Experimental Question):What was the question you were trying to answer with your experiment? Does shampoo help carnations hold color dye better than acetone? Hypothesis: What did you think the answer to that question is? I think shampoo will help carnations hold color dye better than acetone. Materials:What did you use to conduct your experiment? 24 carnations, Dove brand shampoo, red color dye, acetone, a measuring cup, etc. Variable:What was the independent variable, dependent variable, control? As I said before, the independent variable is what you change. The dependent variable is what changes because of it. The independent variable iswhether acetone or shampoo was used. The dependent variable is the color of the carnations. Procedure:What steps did you follow to conduct the experiment (be as detailed as possible). 1. Place 2 carnations into a vase with 2 ml of shampoo, 2 ml of red dye, and 2 ml of water. 2. Place another 2 carnations into a separate vase with 2 ml of acetone, 2 ml of red dye, and 2 ml of water. Data/Graphs:What data did you collect? Can you present it as a table or graph? (If you can, you should.) After two days, the carnations in the shampoo mixture were pink, and the carnations in the acetone mixture were red. Conclusion:What were the results of the experiment? I found that the carnations absorbed the dye better with acetone than with shampoo. The carnations in the acetone mixture turned a deep red while the carnations in the shampoo mixture only became a light pink. As I said above, when presenting your experiment, you’ll be asked questions about your experiment. How can you best prepare for these questions? Most importantly, know your project details inside and out. Know how your project results applyto the real world.For example, if your experiment is which fruit has the most conductivity, you could discuss how viable an option fruit is as a source of alternative energy (even if it’s not).Even if your experiment would not be realistic in the real world, it is great to show that your knowledge of science goes beyond your project. Brainstorm what questions you might be asked. Some examples include:How did you come up with the idea for your experiment?What did you use as your control? What do your results tell you? Then, try to answer all of the questions you’ve brainstormed.Write your answers down.Perfect them.This way you’ll be prepared to eloquently answer the questions you’re asked. What Are the Benefits of Participatingin Science Fair? Competing in science fair has many benefits. Through science fair, you'll get to meet like-minded students who are interested in science. If you get to go on to county/regional/state competitions, you'll make science-interested friends from other schools as well! Science fair is a great opportunityto test out whether you’d like to pursue a career in scientific research. It's great to try and find your passion in high school so you don't waste time and money during college trying to figure out what you want to major in.By doing science fair, hopefully, you'll find out if science isa subject you want to continue studying or not. If you compete in science fair, you can potentially be recognized for your scientific ability by receivingawards from your school, county, region, state, or other science fair sponsors (such as NASA). If you win an award, it looks great onyour college application. Colleges love to see students who were recognized for their talents!Additionally, science fair is a free experience that won’t cost you anything other than time and maybe a little money for supplies for your experiment.I highly recommend competing in science fair if you’re interested! There are a couple of cons to competing in science fair. Science fair can be extremely time-consuming. Ifyou're worried about not having enough time, I recommend doing a more manageable project (an experiment that can be completed in a shorter time frame). Sciencefair projects do not need to take a lot of time. Just because an experiment doesn't require a lot of time doesn't make it any less sophisticated than other more time-consuming projects. Also, some studentsfind science fair boringif they don't care that much about science. I still think it's valuable to try science fair once if you have any interest in science. If you find science fair boring then, at least, you figured out science is probably not your desired career path, and you can move on to exploring your other interests. What’s Next? Interested in learning more about other extracurricular activities? Learn about Model UN and how to join your high school newspaper. Looking for something to do this summer? Check out the Emory Pre-College Program and the Boston University Summer Challenge! Looking to get started on SAT/ACT preparation? Check out our ultimate SAT/ACT study guideschedule and plan! Want to improve your SAT score by 240 points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:

Friday, November 22, 2019

Answers for ESL Learners

Answers for ESL Learners What are Adjectives? Adjectives are words that describe objects, people and places. She has a fast car. - Fast  describes the car.Susan is very intelligent.- Intelligent  describes Susan.Thats a beautiful mountain. - Beautiful describes mountain. In other words, adjectives describe characteristics of different things.   There are nine types of adjectives which are explained below. Each type of adjective includes a link to further details of the particular grammar usage. Descriptive Adjectives Descriptive adjectives are the most common type of adjective and are used to describe a certain quality such as large, small, expensive, cheap, etc. of the object. When using more than one descriptive adjective, it is important to make sure that they are placed in the correct  adjective order. Jennifer has a difficult job.That sad boy needs some ice cream.Susan purchased an expensive car. Proper Adjectives Proper adjectives are derived from  proper nouns  and must always be capitalized. Proper adjectives are often used to show the origin of something. Proper adjectives are also often the name of a language or a people.   French tires are excellent.Italian food is the best!Jack prefers Canadian maple syrup. Quantitative Adjectives Quantitative adjectives show us how many of something is available. In other words, numbers are quantitative adjectives. However, there are other quantitative adjectives such as  several, many, a lot of  which are also known as  quantifiers. There are two birds in that tree.She has many friends in Los Angeles.I count sixteen mistakes on your homework. Interrogative Adjectives Interrogative adjectives are used to ask questions. Interrogative adjectives include which and what. Common phrases using interrogative adjectives include:  Which type / kind of and what type / kind of plus a noun.   Which kind of car do you drive?What time should I come?What type of ice cream do you like? Possessive Adjectives Possessive adjectives  are similar to subject and object pronouns, but they indicate possession.  Possessive adjectives include my, your, his, her, its, our, and their.   My house is on the corner.I invited their friends to dinner.Her dog is very friendly. Possessive Nouns Possessive nouns act like possessive adjectives but are formed by using a noun.  Possessive nouns are created by adding an apostrophe to a noun to indicate possession such as the  cars color, or the  friends vacations. Toms best friend is Peter.The books cover is misleading.The houses garden is beautiful. Predicate Adjectives Predicate adjectives are placed at the end of a sentence or clause to describe the noun at the beginning of a sentence. Predicate adjectives are often used with the verb to be. His job is stressful.The vacation was enjoyable.It probably isnt very easy. Articles Definite and indefinite articles  can be thought of as a type of adjective because they describe the noun as one of many or a specific instance of a particular object.  Ã‚  A  and  an  are indefinite articles,  the  is the definite article. Tom would like an apple.She wrote the book thats on the table.I ordered a glass of beer. Demonstrative Pronouns Demonstrative pronouns  show which objects (noun or noun phrase) is meant. Demonstrative pronouns include  this, that, these  and  those.  This  and  that  are singular demonstrative adjectives, while these and those are plural. Demonstrative pronouns are also known as  determiners. I would like that sandwich for lunch.Andrew brought these books for everyone to read.Those trees are beautiful! Adjectives Quiz Find the adjective and  identify its form. Choose from: descriptive adjectiveproper adjectivequantitative adjectiveinterrogative adjectivepossessive adjectivepossessive nounpredicate adjectivedemonstrative pronoun I gave the ball to her cousin.Education is important.They have a beautiful daughter.Which kind of car did you decide to buy yesterday?Those cars belong to Peter.She has a lot of friends in China.Chicago is amazing!Jennifer proposed an elegant solution to the problem.What kind of grades did you get?Helens house is located in Georgia.  Italian food is the best!Holidays can be boring at times.  Alex has three books.Its a hot day.Our friend didnt answer the question. Answers: her - possessive adjectiveimportant - pronominal adjectivebeautiful - descriptive adjectivewhich kind of - interrogative adjectivethose - demonstrative pronouna lot of - quantitative adjectiveamazing - pronominal adjectiveelegant - descriptive adjectivewhat kind of - interrogative adjectiveHelens - possessive nounItalian - proper adjectiveboring - pronominal adjectivethree - quantitative adjectivehot - descriptive adjectiveour - possessive adjective

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

The age of the crusades Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

The age of the crusades - Essay Example They wore cloth cross (crux) sewn into their clothes - this is he most obvious background of the word "crusader" . The background of the crusades lie in Western developments earlier in the Middle Ages, as well as the deteriorating situation of the Byzantine Empire. The collapse of the Carolingian Empire in the later 9th century, combined with the relative stabilization of local European borders after the spread of Christianity among Vikings, Slavs and Magyars, meant that there was an large class of warriors who by that time had very little to do but fight among themselves and plunder the peasant population. The Church tried to interfere into this violence with the Peace and Truce of God movements, forbidding violence against certain people during certain seasons or times of year. This was somewhat successful, but trained warriors always sought an outlet for their violence. Thus, plea for help from the Byzantine Emperor Alexius I in opposing Muslim attacks fell on ready ears. After the numerous attacks of Seljuks, the Byzantine emperor Alexius I called for support, in 1095 Pope Urban II called upon all Christians to wage a war against the Turks. Crusader armies moved to Jerusalem and destroyed several cities on their way. In 1099, they took Jerusalem and massacred the local population. Eventually, several small Crusader states were created, for instance, the Kingdom of Jerusalem. Also there was another wave of crusaders, which was less successful. 2) Second Crusade (1147-1149) Christians and Muslims co-existed in the Holy Land in peace for a long time, but in 1147 Bernard of Clairvaux called for a new crusade when the town of Edessa was captured and occupied by the Turks. French and German forces made a foolish attack on Damascus, creating the dangerous situation over the whole crusader state. Invasion was failed, so army of loosers had to come back to their countries. 3) Third Crusade (1189-1192) In 1187, Saladin recaptured Jerusalem. Pope Gregory VIII ordered a new crusade, which was led by several of Europe's most important leaders: Philip II of France, Richard I of England and Frederick I, Holy Roman Emperor. This crusade will be examined in detail in the next chapters of this work. 4)Fourth Crusade (1202 -1204)The Fourth Crusade was initiated by Pope Innocent III in 1202, when Muslims intended to capture the Holy Lands through Egypt. The Venetians gained control of this crusade and moved to Constantinople, where they attempted to place their protg on the throne. As a result, the city was sacked in 1204. The high spirit of the crusade was now dead, and this crusade can be explained as the kind of Papacy's struggle.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Using A Range of Channels as Part of an Integrated PR Campaign Essay

Using A Range of Channels as Part of an Integrated PR Campaign - Essay Example From this paper it is clear that  the public relations is an activity that is carried out intentionally, with a particular plan for achieving a result. It is representative of a continuum of activity and inculcates the two-way communication process where the organization will take steps that are in the interests of both the organization and the target group. The fact that public relations is dependent on publics is a very critical factor for the success of the company. The public gives reputation to the company and a commercial, governmental or any other organizational raison d'à ªtre. According to the Chartered Institute of Public Relations in the UK, regards public relations as the activity carried out for the purpose of generation of goodwill and mutual understanding between the company and the public.This study outlines that  reputation helps the company to embed itself in the market and gives it an edge over other rivals. Furthermore, journalists, regulators, employees, cus tomers and suppliers can have a strong influence on the organization. They all possess some view or perception regarding the organization. These perceptions are necessary to take into account by the organization since they will affect the decisions they taking regarding consumption of the products of the organizations and carrying business with it.  As a result, public relations encompasses several aspects of marketing such as public information, investor relations corporate communication or customer relations.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Inventory System Essay Example for Free

Inventory System Essay 1.0 Background of the study Computer nowadays is a basic need for businesses or companies. It helps a lot in such a way that it makes work more progressive and productive. It is an important thing that a company that manipulating data. Having computer programs may help a company grow bigger and be competitive in the flow of business world. It helps a lot because almost all the companies nowadays uses computer literate and very competitive in many aspects. Whatever kind of business you manage, you’re required by law to keep financial records relating to it. Bryan’s School Supplies and Accessories have to branches, all branches is using a manual inventory system. Each branch has its own inventory system and records transactions a day. The owner comes to visit in every branch to check the inventory and sales of the business weekly. It takes long time for them to record and file. All their transactions and they find difficulties and finding and searching their record in the past year or months. When recording their daily sales and inventory they should work together or their lot of people working in order to finish the job on time. The records of two branches are separated with each other. The owner found difficulty on checking records and sales of his business because the two branches are located in different place so he has to travel in order to check his business. The owner is looking for the most convenient way where the owner can save his money time and effort when checking the stocks inventory and sales of his business. A system that can merge all the records of their inventory and sales so that the owner don’t have to visit every branch of his business. 1.1 OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY The main objectives of the study are to create an inventory system that could help the company increase their sales. Project aims to develop a web where the stock and sales record of company is stored. This system will help the  company to record and view all the record easy and fast, and also for the owner to view sales and inventory of his/her business even without visiting to it. The records of stocks of all branches are stored in the web. Specifically, this study aims to: 1. Provide an fast and easy to use inventory system for Bryan’s School Supplies and Accessories 2. Replace manual inventory with automated online inventory 3. Develop a system to help Bryan’s School Supplies and Accessories with their problem in terms of their stock records and sales inventory 4. Create a website where they can save and view their stock inventory and daily sales 5. Create a system that could help their business be more productive 6. Create a report about the daily stock records through the use of internet 7. Create a secure inventory system in web 1.2 SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY This research would highly propulsive and could provide the community a solution for their problem regarding the said topic. The findings of this piece of research may provide an important informational base for the improvement of the business industries. The result of this research studies would specifically facilitate the policy makers and planners in devising suitable strategies for the future plan of action for getting better quality of education as the foundation of the business system. This study could benefit the following: The company: this study can help the companies to become more progressive and productive this study could provide the companies the idea on how to minimize the cost, time and effort of their stocks and employees in terms of recording daily transaction, sales and inventory. Company’s Staff: this study could give staff a benefit because if the company prefers to use this study as their system, their job would be easier and faster. Employees: the result of the study could benefit the employees to lessen their jobs and it will be easy for them to record all the transaction and inventory every day. Future researchers: this study could provide information for the future researchers that have a related topic. They can  use this study as related literature on their research study. Technical Review of Related Literature 2.0 Review of Related Literature This chapter presents the related literature and studies after the thorough and in-depth search done by the researchers. This will also present the synthesis of the art, theoretical and conceptual framework to fully understand the research to be done and lastly the definition of terms for better comprehension of the study. 2.1 Introductory Statement Organizations need to make the right choice and select the inventory control system that not only supports their current needs, but more importantly, is able to support additional functionality to narrow the business growth and technology gap at the right cost. The following are examples of inventory control systems that may suit your organization. In order for our project to be successful and much better than others, we made a system that can cater all the data and transactions of a business. Also, we add some additional and unique features to distinguish the difference of our system to the other systems used by some business firms. We gathered information about the features of some business inventory management system and compared it in our project as a related literature. The graph below shows the comparison of inventory systems in terms of their functionalities. 2.3 Comparison of the other system to the proposed one Bryan’s Online Stocks and Inventory System use an input device such as Barcode Scanner and RFID (Radio Frequency Identification). Also this system has the ability to search and filter data easily. But unlike the other systems this project has some unique features that other systems don’t have. It is an improve inventory system that has a special features that other inventory systems don’t have. Others don’t have a function like notifying the user about the number of products in the inventory which is one of the special functions of this system. Also it has the ability to generate daily report and have compilation of all transactions and records done from the start up to the current date. It has the ability to store data online through the use of private network over the web. Also with this system you can customize your own desired user interface. With this kind of system the company can be more organize because they can store all their records and data online, it reduces paper works and it makes transactions easier and faster. They don’t need to worry if the computer will be  corrupted or destroy because all the data was being stored online, they can open it to any computer as long as they have the security password and username of their private site. All the transactions performed in this inventory system occur in real time. So when multiple users are accessing inventory you can rest assured that theyre all seeing the latest information. Updates occur instantly, no more waiting for transactions to post. We can say that this system is more advance and efficient to use compare to the other systems of the other companies. Methodology and Project Scheduling 3.1 Introductory Statement Literature review is an important element for this project since it will give general idea and concept on how to develop an Online Stocks and Inventory for Bryans Accessories and School Supplies. Besides it will provide the requirements and challenges that need to be face during the progress of the project development. Project schedule is a project progress plan that shows the activities that has been plan throughout this project development. It will provide the guide to implement the progress of the project. Bryan’s Online Stocks and Inventory System have the following SDLC and Hardware and Software to be complying in order to have a good system project result. 3.2 Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) The SDLC of Bryan’s Online Stocks and Inventory System develop composed of 6 phases to follow in order to develop the system. The six stages are project planning, project analysis, project development, testing and debugging, implementation and maintenance. 3.2.1 System Planning In this stage the proponents identify and select the software to be used for Bryan’s Inventory. In system planning the proponents choose the project, brainstorming, doing research, interview and the whole member of the team develops the system. The planning of the system determines the task of each members. Determining who will used the system and functions of the system to  its user, the devices to be used in platform of the system. 3.2.2 Project Analysis In system analysis phase it consists of scripting, business process, data flow and database structure as a backbone of the system. It also include the planning of the schedule on how to finish the system project, the process and documentation of the system 3.2.3 System Development and design The system development stage is the application where it develops physical design. The proponents create scripting codes to compute the inventory and designing of the system. 3.2.4 Testing and Debugging Check the system for bugs and errors. The proponents used the bar code scanner to test the system; using the scanner the proponents will determine the functionality of the system. Testing and debugging helps to detect whether the system is working properly or not. The proponents let someone use the system that is not familiar with the system to test the system functionality subject for improvement. 3.2.5 Implementation The implementation of the syste3m will be exclusive for bryan’s school supplies and accessories. In the implementation of the system requires an internet connection to view the inventory of the company. The user log-in to a private network intended only for the inventory of Bryan’s school supplies and accessories 3.2.6 Maintenance In case of error of the functionality in the system the user/company can easily contact the proponents through the email or call/text to fix the problem. The system will implement using the internet which the proponents check and update. The proponents will keep an eye for the maintenance for one year. 3.3 Software Requirements (Recommended) Bryan’s online inventory system supported operating system is any windows 7 variety with 32 bit and 64 bit processor. This system is online and it doesn’t have much software requirements but the researchers prefer to use windows for this system. 3.4 Hardware Requirements (Recommended) The hardware requirements for Bryan’s Online Stocks and Inventory System are mouse, keyboard, and monitor, CPU with 2 GB and up RAM memory, Intel processor with 2-8 cores, hard disk (250 GB) and power supply. 3.5 Project Scheduling Bryan’s Online Stocks and Inventory System takes 47 days to be able to implement and used by the company. The activities and schedule of events are shown in our PERT and Gantt chart which is shown below: Summary of the Findings, Conclusion, and Recommendation 4.1 Introduction This chapter presents the summary of the findings, conclusions and recommendations based on the data analyzed in the previous chapter. Some limitations have been identified. The researchers study deals with the analysis and enhancement of Bryan’s School supplies and Accessories current inventory system. The study focuses on improving and on enhancing the existing system to double the performance and circulation of data.The researchers proposed an online inventory system where all the transactions and processes are done through the use of private network over the web 4.2. Findings The researchers found out that the online inventory system has a big help to the company as well as to the user of the system unlike the existing system which exhibits different problems like: System breakdown Slow processing of data Time consuming Unorganized records Too many paper works Too many people required to process transactions and inventory The researchers also found out that the proposed replacement of the existing  system can give the following benefits: 5x faster processing of data compared to manual system of inventory Less time consuming Continuous access to the entire system Better compilation of record transactions and data Reduces paper works and employees needed 4.3. Conclusion The researchers concluded that: 1. By replacing the existing hardware can give solution to the problems encountered by the encoder/user. 2. Inputing of data will be continuous and faster. 3. The proposed solution can bring such benefits in terms of maintenance cost and overhead cost of electricity.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Comparing and Contrasting Sophocles Oedipus Tyrannus and Rita Doves The Darker Face of the Earth :: Comparison Compare Contrast Essays

Comparing and Contrasting Sophocles' Oedipus Tyrannus and Rita Dove's The Darker Face of the Earth Sophocles' Oedipus Tyrannus can be argued that it is related loosely to Rita Dove's The Darker Face of the Earth. This comparative and contrasting characteristics that can be seen within both plays make the reader/audience more aware of imagery, the major characters, plot, attitudes towards women, and themes that are presented from two very different standpoints. The authors Sophocles and Dove both have a specific goal in mind when writing the two plays. In this paper I will take a closer look of the two, comparing and contrasting the plays with the various elements mentioned previously. Sophocles style of plot structure was usually to begin in media res. This is particularly true of Oedipus Tyrannus. When the reader or audience is first introduced to the main character, Oedipus is already a grown man and king of his country. In the first few lines, talk of a "fiery plague ravaging the city" is mentioned (Sopochles 3). In the very early stages of the play the reader begins to feel pity for Oedipus and recognizes his suffering. The time span is also another important factor to consider when analyzing the plot structure. The play in its entirety takes place within a one to two day period. The flashback scenes into Oedipus' childhood give the audience a better sense of the big picture, but can be misleading when focusing on the time aspect element. The roles of the characters are particularly useful when comparing and contrasting Oedipus to Darker Face. Oedipus can be argued to be a sympathetic ruler of his people, "my heart must bear the strain of sorrow for all..." (4). He shows a strong desire to rid the land of its despair. Yet as the reader captures a more in-depth glimpse into Oedipus' soul, we find him to be a jealous, stubborn, "blind", guilty, and sinful man. Oedipus' character outwardly seems to want nothing more than to find the guilty persons involved in the murder of Laius, yet when given obvious clues he turns a blind eye, not wanting to know the truth behind the prophecy.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Links And Relationships Within The Travel Industry

Tour operations is a dynamic and complex business environment, where companies must work with many different travel and tourism component industries, comply with laws and regulations, and deal with a variety of external influences and challenges. Unlike travel agents, who sell holidays and a range of other travel products, tour operators actually assemble the different parts of a holiday, i. e. the type of travel, accommodation, facilities, transfers, excursions and other services.If we consider that travel agents are the retail arm of the travel business, then tour operators are the wholesalers, since they buy in bulk from the providers of travel services, such as the hoteliers and airlines, break the bulk into manageable packages and offer the finished product – the package holiday (or inclusive tour) – for sale via a travel agent or direct to the public. The package is sold for an all-inclusive price, which is generally lower than if the different parts of the holida y had been booked individually by the holidaymaker.In working with other travel and tourism industries, tour operators develop links with a wide range of organisations, including: †¢ Travel agents – using agents as a sales outlet for the tour operator’s holidays and agreeing commission payments and booking procedures; †¢ Transport providers – negotiating and agreeing contracts with airlines (charter and scheduled), rail operators, coach companies, taxi operators, supply transport services for holidaymakers; †¢ Hotels and other accommodation providers – negotiating allocations of bed spaces that form the accommodation element of the package holiday; †¢ Ancillary service providers – contracting with companies to supply representative services, transfers, ‘meet and greet’ arrangements, insurance, car hire, activities, excursions, etc.Even the large, vertically-integrated travel groups have to liaise on different functions within their own organisations, since individual parts of the group are usually separate companies in their own right, e.g. staff from Neilson Holidays, part of the Thomas Cook Group, would negotiate with staff at Thomas Cook Airlines to agree seat allocations for a season. As competition in the travel and tourism sector has intensified, tour operators have taken over or merged with other travel and tourism businesses as a way of maintaining or increasing their market share and maximising their profits. This is most noticeable in the tour operator/travel agent relationship, where: †¢ TUI Travel UK owns Thomson andFirst Choice tour operating businesses, and the Thomson travel agency chains (TUI UK is itself controlled by the German company TUI AG); †¢ Thomas Cook AG (a German group) owns a number of Thomas Cook tour operating brands/companies, plus the Thomas Cook and Going Places chains of travel agencies. These ‘big two’ travel groups were formed i n 2007 from the mergers of Thomson and First Choice Holidays, and Thomas Cook with MyTravel. They dominate the sale of package holidays in the UK, accounting for just fewer than 50 per cent of all sales.These are examples of vertical integration in the travel and tourism industry, which is when a company has control over other companies that are at different levels in the chain of distribution or in different industries. Some of the largest tour operators also own their own airlines, giving even greater control over the component parts of package holidays. As competition in the travel and tourism sector has intensified, tour operators have taken over or merged with other travel and tourism businesses.This is called vertical integration and it benefits the travel companies since they get bulk discounts and make savings by using their own companies as suppliers. However, there is concern that vertical integration of this sort may not always be in the public’s interest, since it can reduce the number of companies and give customers less choice when buying holidays. Also, customers may not know that a tour operator is owned by the travel agency that is selling their holiday.Horizontal integration is when a company owns or has control over a number of companies at the same level in the distribution chain or in the same industry. For example, many tour operating businesses that are now part of Thomas Cook and Thomson were originally independent companies, e. g. Neilson and Club 18-30 (now part of the Thomas Cook Group), and Something Special and the Holiday Cottages Group (now merged with Thomson). Large travel companies take over smaller independents as a way or reducing competition in the marketplace, but this is not always a benefit for customers who may have less choice.Trade bodies and associations are established to represent the interests of companies in a particular industry sector. ABTA – The Travel Association is the main trade body for both travel agents and tour operators in the UK. Its members are responsible for the sale of over 90 per cent of package holidays and 45 per cent of independent travel arrangements in the UK.ABTA’s role is to ensure that customers benefit from high standards of trading practice in the  travel industry and that the standards of service and business throughout its membership are of the highest calibre. All ABTA members – travel agents and tour operators – adhere to a strict code of conduct. ATOL – A United Kingdom Civil Aviation Authority scheme to protect people who have purchased package holidays (Thomson, Thomas Cook, etc) and flights from a member tour operator. The majority of UK tour operators are required to hold an ATOL licence, without which they may not legally sell air travel.ATOL licensed firms will have had their business practices inspected by the CAA. An ATOL licensed tour operator must also obtain insurance bonds from the CAA. The aim of this i s to provide refunds to travellers affected by any event which causes the airline to be unable to provide travel for its customers, and to arrange for flights (in addition to accommodation and other items which may be included in a package holiday) to return home those who are still abroad at this time.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

The Importance Of Self Analysis Education Essay

The chief purpose of this assignment is to discourse the importance of Self analysis and uninterrupted ego development in context to my hereafter as a trough. Self analysis and uninterrupted ego development has been described by different writers as a broad and wide subject which the best manner to understand it is by merely understanding oneself foremost. Self analysis can be described as a procedure that leads to self consciousness. Atwater and Yammarino ( 1992 ) describes self-awareness as the ability of a individual to reflect on the feedback and seek to measure on the consequence given to the person. Besides, Goleman ( 1998 ) further explains that an person who is self-aware has a better understanding about him or herself. He stresses the importance of self-awareness as a major factor to pull offing an organisation. Harmonizing to Goleman ( 1998 ) the function of determination devising is dependent on the director. It is hence of import that a director understands himself and be cognizant of his or her emotions, personality, beliefs, to be able to construct on strengths, work on failings, make good determinations for the success of the administration. Caproni ( 2004 ) besides agree that ego consciousness must be the primary aims of an person. He farther explained that being self cognizant gives an penetration on what, how you want it and how to travel about it. As a trough, it is best to make a cheque list on him or herself before thought of pull offing other people. Baillie ( 2004 ) says holding a good cognition of one ‘s capableness is every bit good as holding the job of self-development half solved. Pedler, Burgoyne and Boydell ( 2001 ) specify Self-development as an single development with the topic taking charge of his or her ain acquisition. Harmonizing to Baillie ( 2004 ) , you get to understand who you are, what you should make and how to associate with people. Development is a uninterrupted and an open-ended attempt to interrupt Forth to a new degree of possible ( Boydell and Pedler, 1981 ) . He explains constructing oneself continuously to accomplish success by reacting positively to alter. He besides stated a figure of self-development rules. One of it was that ego development involves the larning about oneself. This is of import because a director ‘s personality is reflected in his or her public presentation this in bend reflects in the administrations public presentation. Therefore larning about me and placing my development demands is a major function of success as a hereafter director in my hereafter. In another position, Mumford ( 1988 ) says the most of impor t thing is who directors are and non what they do. If direction is what people need to make and who they are, it is of great importance to understand what and who a director is? Many research plants have gone into the difference between a director and a leader. Zaleznik ( 2004 ) says a director is different from a leader been that a director is a job convergent thinker trusting on the efficiency of the people to accomplish success. It takes no exceeding feature but instead doggedness, perseverance, criticalness, tolerance and helpfulness. While a leader harmonizing to Mumford and Gold ( 2004 ) influences people to acquire work done and he or she must be enthusiastic about the occupation. However Mintzberg ( 1989 ) explains that a good director must unite interpersonal, informational and be able to do determination for the organisation. It can hence be argued that portion of the interpersonal functions is been a leader as stated by Mintzberg ( 1989 ) . Therefore a director can be seen as person who must posses ‘ leading qualities. Besides a director needs to larn more about him or herself which is through ego analysis and place ways of bettering and ref lecting on it which is a uninterrupted procedure in the organisation which leads to continuous ego development. In my future calling as a hereafter director, I would be Comparing the properties of an ideal director ( Nolan, 2009 ) with the aid of my belbin, johari window and emotional intelligence, I can state that my chief strengths are good communicating accomplishments, squad worker, co-ordinator, good hearer, patient, respectful and warm with people. In order for development, I will wish to better good communicating accomplishments and construct on my assurance in a better manner. Harmonizing to Darling ( 2007 ) , Good communicating across all degree improves public presentation and aid organizational development and Harmonizing to Goldsmith ( 2006 ) assurance is indispensable for both personal life and the concern. He suggested ways of constructing assurance: by prosecuting in more activities and believing in oneself, ne'er compare myself with others, non scared of neglecting and seeking once more, do friends with positive and supportive properties, involve myself in activities i enjoy ma king, give and accept feedback. The best attack to self development is placing the demand for one ( Boydell, 1981 ) . I have identified my failings as non been confident, deficiency of promptness which i am truly working hard on. Surprisingly my promptness has ne'er affected me in my surveies but with friends and assignment I am ever happening it difficult maintaining suitably to clip. For now and my future calling as a good director, and with aid of the provender dorsums i have gotten am working on been better, it will travel a long manner in assisting me undertake them for the intent of development in my organisation.DecisionHarmonizing to different books and diaries used above, it can hence be see and understand that ego development and uninterrupted ego development is an indispensable tool for one ‘s calling as a director in the hereafter. It can merely be achieved by the willingness of the person to execute in the organisation, holding a development program to do him or her non isolated manner from the d esired ends and aims of himself/herself and the companies ‘ end and besides cultivate the wont of contemplations. My aim is to work on my assurance, addition work experience and continuously reexamine myself to heighten development. Self Analysis Toolkit__________________ JOHARI WINDOW _______________________ Summary of critical incident ( usage detailed critical incidents from your faculty activities, residential weekend, past experiences etc ) What happened, or what did I make? At the residential when we were assigned the first undertaking †rope undertaking † , we started off as a squad but subsequently into the undertaking person came up with an thought of lone work forces should draw the rope while the ladies should keep without making anything I had to differ with him and i told him we should non know apart better still lets place everyone ‘s strengths and failings in the game by leting us to take which of us could keep or draw the rope so it would non be a gawky undertaking for us all, surprisingly even some of the work forces voluntarily said they would keep and some of the ladies said they would draw. With that thought, we were able to make the undertaking in a non discriminating mode and we identified our strength and we came out successful at the terminal.How does this reflect the findings of your chosen ego analysis toolkit?Harmonizing to the feedback I got from my facilitator at the residential in my blind topographic point on my johari window, I am seen to be a confident individual in a group undertaking, one voice out when things are been done discriminatively which I know within me that am non that confident but based on what my facilitator saw on that twenty-four hours of the undertaking it was said that I am really confident and one hold strong in my words until my message is passed across. I could non make this before because am known to be diffident but when person makes the undertaking a gender matter so i would ever hold to travel against it non for personal grounds but in order to place failings and strengths of every person and so from there we would be able to work in conformity. Besides in my johari window, the unfastened topographic point says a batch about me and I wholly agree with that and it was seen when we were working in squads. I was patient to a group member ‘s sentiment even when others were eager to acquire the undertaking done without listening to her sentiment. I listened to her thought which finally became the best solution to the job for the undertaking and in merely 19seconds we completed the undertaking and we came out successful. Looking at my emotional intelligence, my societal accomplishments subdivision, am known to be a good hearer and communicate openly with my squad members.What are the deductions for future calling or personal developmentIn my future calling as a director or as a leader, I would take advantage of my unfastened topographic point which is to be patient, a good hearer, been cheerful and many more as seen in my johari window to take my squad into a success. non burying my blind topographic point as to been a confi dent individual, I would every bit good work on been a better director or leader with confident of thoughts that I have and been able to openly voice it out. I would be patient in listening to others sentiment which ever gives a sense of belonging when it is a squad work even if we might non be able to practicalize what the thoughts are due to clip constrain be but at least his/her voice is hear but when clip is on our side all thoughts given would be actualize because we might merely be disregarding the best thought of a member that has solution to the job as seen above when person ‘s thought that was ignored became the solution to the undertaking at manus. Self Analysis Toolkit__________________ BELBIN ________________________ Summary of critical incident ( usage detailed critical incidents from your faculty activities, residential weekend, past experiences etc ) What happened, or what did I make? At the residential, when we were given the level battalion undertaking, everyone was so eager to get down the undertaking, a batch of thoughts were passed across but for me, I was confused. I had tonss of boards to construct into something but had no thoughts of what to do out of it, we had really limited clip but yet I sat down believing even if I am non a fast mind. It was deserving seeking because at that clip was when I spotted the image of the reinforced board on my facilitator ‘s manus. The image was handed to us and we started working more even as a squad.How does this reflect the findings of your chosen ego analysis toolkit?As seen in my belbin, my preferable functions are team-worker and co-ordinator ; this was clearly seen in the assorted undertakings we had to make at the residential. I might non be every bit confident as expected but in the undertaking we had to make after descrying the image we shared Ideas and with in19seconds of the 2nd unit of ammunition of patt ern we completed the undertaking. I am a individual that likes to be carried along for a better apprehension of what I am expected to make and besides as seen in my belbin I take my clip to listen to thoughts and I implement on it. The feedback I got from my facilitator was that am dying to make my undertaking when thoughts are brought up, am a good hearer and I ever want to understand the thought about the undertaking to be done. Last, she said my failing was that am non strategic and spoting which reflected on my public presentation in the 1st undertaking we had. If I was to make the undertaking once more, I would hold repeated all thoughts because it brought us success. Personally, I would develop my believing accomplishments to enable me hold the ability to animate others and be more confident of my thoughts. I would be less dying which could do me worry unduly in my undertaking.What are the deductions for future calling or personal developmentNolan ( 2009 ) says that an ‘ideal director is undertaking oriented, possess good communicating accomplishments, has general cognition, has wisdom and the ability to larn, takes duty, enjoys good relationships with others, good at being client focused and at teamwork, manages clip and emphasis makes determination, place analyse and work out jobs, motivates and influence others, delegates, sets ends, manages struggle. In my future calling as a director, I would set my preferable functions to pattern, be able to transport my squad along and holding a end to accomplish by clear uping the ends. I would be confident in myself and convey my squad together to advance squad spirit, engage in treatments that would give good consequences. Due to the feedback I got from my facilitator and my group members, I would work on my failings and better in them. I would ever listen to thoughts, be more strategic as a director which would do me animate my squad members. Self Analysis Toolkit__________ EMOTIONAL INTELIGENCE __________________ Summary of critical incident ( usage detailed critical incidents from your faculty activities, residential weekend, past experiences etc ) What happened, or what did I make? This incident is based on my past experience in my faculty activity ( concern Game ) . As a group we had to do single presentation and when my bend came because I was non confident of myself I was scared of doing the presentation, i wanted to endorse out but my squad members believed in me and because of the encouraging words of my squad members and friends i went in front and one the twenty-four hours of the presentation, I gave my best and to my surprise even the faculty coach commended on the presentation.How does this reflect the findings of your chosen ego analysis toolkit?As described in my emotional intelligence, it best describes my personality of ego consciousness as holding a great ego regard and been emotional aware of my emotions and their effects. At the residential, when we had the competition of the grid lock undertaking and my squad was the last to complete, at a point in the competition I was non happy and wanted to merely go forth or merely burst into cryings at the rate of the failure in front but been cognizant of my emotions, I decided to positive and stayed on boulder clay we finished. Besides my belbin was a clear indicant of what my least preferable function was ‘a complete closer ‘ . In the undertaking I clearly saw that attributes in me. I wanted to merely go forth and bury that we of all time did that peculiar undertaking, I was besides dying because we lacked behind and while other where making or had reached the finished clip, we were non half manner to the terminal but above all we stood together and worked closer as a squad. We co-operated and the undertaking was completed.What are the deductions for future calling or personal developmentFor my future calling, I would wish to develop the ability of pursing my ends despite the obstructions, ne'er compare myself with anybody and ever be myself and at all times be ‘CONFIDENT ‘ of myself. I have a good squad spirit but non a complete closer which was clearly exhibited when we had the competition undertaking at the residential. I would non let my personal emotions to over control me whic h about do me lost my squad spirit in the competition. A definition of emotional intelligence by Goleman ( 1998, p.317 ) as†¦ the capableness for forming our feelings and those of others, for actuating ourselves, and for pull offing emotions good in ourselves and in our relationship. With the above by Golemans ‘ definition, I would acknowledge my emotions and the effects, but ne'er let it over function me even when sometimes I might merely non be able to manage it any more but I will ever be positive and have a thrust for first-class work besides seting the feelings of others into consideration. Undertaking 3 Strength Harmonizing to my three toolkits, Is have been able to analyze my strengths and failings. The analyses reveals that my chief strengths are that, am a Good hearer, Responsible, Friendly, A squad worker, Co-ordinator, Good ego regard, Team edifice and Service Oriented. I besides have the ability to suit into a squad and besides one shy off from coercing inquiry because it makes me nervous. I have a pleasant and suiting attitude. I get on good with my co-workers which make me a friendly individual. I have involvements in pulling parts out from others and listening to the thoughts as seen in my johari window toolkit. To my surprise, my belbin and johari toolkit explicate how confident I am which I would state I was ne'er confident in anything one do but with the aid of my residential, the affection of the environment I found myself in the past 4months, seminars and presentations i have to construct my confident bit by bit to a certain degree in my life now which is why, Megginson and Whitaker ( 2007 ) suggest that rehearsing uninterrupted brooding reappraisal helps to help my acquisition and development procedure. Failing My failings in my toolkits show that, I am non a complete closer, non strategic and spoting, non serious minded, worry unduly and most times i appear indecisive. Haven know all what my failings are, one would work harder in doing my failings go my strengths and be confident when I want to do determinations in my twenty-four hours to twenty-four hours life. Judging myself, I would state that now i have merely grown that assurance to a certain degree even when my belbin analysis reveals that am a confident individual. Looking back at the clip I foremost arrived at Northumbria university, i ne'er thought of myself giving presentations, voicing my sentiment in my seminar groups because back in Nigeria when I come from, it ‘s a wholly different manner of larning and we could non even question the determinations of our talks as it is seen as been rude or the individual knows excessively much. So hence, deficiency of assurance was one of my chief failings and am happy bit by bit am ge t the better ofing it due to feedbacks one got from my facilitators, and presentation in seminars. Goldsmith ( 2006 ) believes that, assurance is really of import for one ‘s use and organisational usage as good. He farther identified ways of constructing ego assurance which I decided to indulge myself in and they include ; more activities with my co-workers, believe in myself, take duty for my ain determinations. I have decided non to compare myself with other, believe and move positively, give room for feedbacks. Boy dingle ( 1981 ) explains that, self development and ego analysis is a really good manner of understanding oneself and besides, the cognition would be helpful to the person in the procedure. IT ‘S IMPLICATION FOR MY FUTURE CAREER DEVELOPMENT In my future calling, i need to work harder in my failings, in order for me non to hold a reverse in my occupation. As a consequence of this, it would take me to taking up a leading function non merely been a squad worker. I besides aspire to be really confident in my determination devising, be punctual and be opened to new thoughts, be a good hearer and strive to be a complete closer in my responsibilities.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Supreme Court Justice Debate The Constitution Example

Supreme Court Justice Debate The Constitution Example Supreme Court Justice Debate The Constitution – Coursework Example Supreme Court Justice Debate the Constitution To start with, Court judges Stephen Breyer and AntoninScalia are legitimate extremes, however in no way, shape or form enemies. In October 2011, the two Justices testified before a Senate Judiciary Committee in Congress (Andrea, 2011). The conversation forms the foundation of all legal debates and how to translate the Constitution of United States of America. For close to two hours, the Justices talked about the contrasts between the role of judges and their judicial philosophies. The open debate has Scalia and Breyer explaining the likelihood of persuasion, drawbacks of Constitutional history, and possibility or existence of Justice and equity.Without any doubt, the two Justices concur more than they differ. Collectively, they concur in most of the cases they considered. Justice Scalia accepts the fact that judges ought to focus and strictly observe the expectations of the mastermind behind the expressions of the Constitution. Indeed, Sc alia is considerate about any deviations from the initial meaning of the Constitutions content. He unequivocally condemns Supreme Court rulings that enhance activist judiciary rather than playing a neural part in a democratic society (Moran, 2011, p30). However, Justice Breyer believes that the ideas outlined by the framers of the Constitution should be restructured to apply to the modern society. Breyer concentrates fundamentally on making Americas examination in democracy useful by giving a voice to the people through the aggregate judgments and opinions of the nine unelected Justices of the Supreme Court (p.36)In conclusion, Justices Scalia and Breyer talk about the diverse speculations of how to translate and implement the U.S Constitution to cases and how they influence democracy and the daily lives of American citizens. While Justice Breyer interprets the Constitution by using the Living Constitution approach, Scalia expresses his concerns using the Textual approach. As observ ed, the two Justices concur that there is a misrepresentation of legal moderation and that religion cases are hard. Also, Scalia and Breyer agree to the fact that judicial activist bears no results.ReferenceAndrea. (October, 2011). Justices Get Candid about the Constitution. NPR Organization. Retrieved on 8th May, 2015, from, K. (2011). Comparing and Contrasting the Constitutional Approaches of Justice Scalia and Justice Breyer through the Pending Supreme Court Case Schwarzenegger V Entertainment Merchants Association. CMC Senior Theses. Paper 174. Retrieved from

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Anaesthetic care

Anaesthetic care In the following text I the author will provide an account of the anaesthetic care given to a paediatric patient in my care during a surgical procedure to repair her cleft palate. I will discuss the rationale behind the chosen anaesthetic technique and will analyse why the method was identified as the most suitable backing the findings up with related literature. The text will explore the care given to the patient and the preparation needed to ensure a safe procedure starting from the pre-assessment visit right to the anaesthetic room looking at the roles of some of the multi disciplinary team members involved in the child’s care. An episode of care for any individual patient is a complex series of interactions that make up the process of care. The recipient of this anaesthetic care is an 8-month-old female, who, as patient confidentiality forbids the use of her real name (NMC 2002a) shall be known as Eve. Eve was born at 41 weeks gestation, during a routine prenatal scan at 23 weeks gestation an abnormality of her facial structure was noted, her parents were informed of this and counselling and advice was offered. The extent of the abnormality was not seen until Eve was born. She was born with a unilateral cleft lip and palate, which is were there is a single cleft of the lip, and the hard, and soft palate are also divided (Shprintzen and Bardach 1995) but was otherwise fit and well. In accordance to Watson et al 2001 clefts of the lip and palate may be isolated deformities or may be a part of a syndrome. Eve has not been diagnosed with a syndrome there for this is an isolated deformity. Watson (2001) suggests that non-syndromic clefts are multi-factorial in origin and could occur due to gene involvement, various environmental factors or embryo development in relation the mothers life choices during pregnancy i.e. excessive alcohol, drug abuse etc. Eve had previously undergone the first stage of the surgery, which was a repair to her cleft lip. This is done between the ages of two and four months within our trust. This is mainly due to cosmetic reasons but also to encourage oral feeding and sucking and to encourage the tissues to grow at the same rate as the child’s facial structure (Watson Et al, 2001). Eve was admitted to hospital the day prior to her surgery. Eve’s mother had requested this rather than attending pre-admission clinic as she had problems with transportation to the hospital. This highlights good communication (Department of Health, 2003) between the nursing staff and Eve’s mother, which is of benefit to both the child and the family’s needs (Clayton, 2000). The Department of Health (1989) states that the welfare of the child is paramount, however Smith and Daughtrey (2000) believe that it is also important to ensure that parental needs are also met. Wong (1999), states that good family centred care is considerate of all family members’ needs and not only the needs of the child. The initial assessment of Eve involved her primary nurse, Eve and her mother Joanne. The cleft palate pathway was used as assessment aid and highlighted any needs that Eve and her family had. The anaesthetist (Dr A) then examined Eve and was able to explain the procedure to Eve’s mother. This meeting with Dr A provided Eve’s mother with both verbal and written information therefore equipping the family with knowledge and support (Summerton, 1998).

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Wal-Mart Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Wal-Mart - Essay Example In the initial stage, Wal-mart was only tracking pallets and cases coming to one distribution center but the plan was to expand to cover 100 suppliers across US by the end of 2006 (Tutorial-Reports, 2005). They would then roll out the technology internationally. The entire plan was based on achieving a completely error-free, fool-proof transparent supply chain. To achieve this, Wal-mart planned to install RFID readers at the distribution centers and stores, and buying equipment for printing tags. The plan envisaged was so intense that suppliers could not escape using this technology. Wal-mart also wanted to gradually work on tracking recalls. The idea behind the entire plan was to gain competitive advantage over others in the sector. Within two months of the deadline indicated by Wal-mart, RFID system was installed at 104 Wal-mart stores. Within 30 minutes the suppliers could obtain the data through its Retail Link extranet website. By the end of February 2005, Wal-mart stores using RFID had received 23,753 tagged pallets and 663,912 cases, and taken over 5 million tag reads (IDTechEx, 2005). However, about half of the top 100 suppliers felt that there was lack of knowledge of RFID integration and hence decided to set up the systems themselves. While it was possible to read the tags on cars and on conveyors in distribution centers, it was difficult to read the RFID tags on fully loaded pallets. Successful reads was only 63% which was not acceptable by Wal-mart. They wanted nothing less than hundred percent. By October 2005 Wal-mart had achieved success to the extent that they could monitor stock levels which resulted in 16% reduction in out-of-stock status. Moreover, the out-of-stock items that carried the EPC could be replenished there times faster than items that were still using the standard barcode technology. It was also possible to avoid excess inventory as manual orders reduced. Based on the initial success Wal-mart set further timelines that by the end of 2006 more than 1000 stores, clubs and distribution centers would be covered under the program. They would have more than 6090 suppliers participating by the end of 2007. They conducted briefings and seminars to share knowledge back and forth. The suppliers that had gone live in 2005 also shared their learning with other organizations. The success of the RFID technology depends upon collaboration with partners and suppliers. This is critical for time-sensitive goods (Songini, 2006). It can enable Wal-mart to look at the items store by store and evaluate the cause of low sales. This would further enable Wal-mart to sit down with the partners and determine how to enhance sales. The value of RFID technology also depends upon the type of product involved. It would help to know how long the perishable goods have been in the supply chain. It can also help tag the response to new products introduced while also preventing theft. However, all their efforts did not fetch the desired results as the public was wary of privacy concerns. Chances of abuse of information from tracking the product tags were high. While the Wal-mart stores could items in the stores in the US, they could not kill the tags at the checkout. What was essential was to have kill switches that would disable the chips at the checkout counters (Tutorial-Reports, 2005a). Wal-mart argues that if the kill switches are installed it could block the radio waves before reaching the RFID reader devices. Moreover, they insist that the RFID tags do not collect any additional information about the customer but the future of the RFID techn